The Jedi Tutorial

by Andreas Raquet

Creating a project

Jedi is a project-oriented tool. this means that every package, class and method Jedi handles must belog to a project. Jedi is only capable of displaying one project at a time.  For this tutorial, this means that before we can start with any classes, a new project has to be created:
Select 'New Project' from the 'Project'-menu. A requester will pop up and prompt you for the project name. Type, for example,  'HelloWorld' and hit return. A new project is initialized and we are all set for starting with the implementation.

Writing the code

First a package must be created. Move the mouse over the list in the upper left corner, push the right button and select 'add'. A requester will prompt for a package name. Enter 'helloworld' and hit return. Note, that the package name appears in the list and is highlighted. The right-button-menu contains some other useful functions which are not covered here. Feel free to explore.

Now we create the HelloWorld class. Move the mouse over the list in the upper center and push the right button. Select 'add Class'.  When prompted for a class name, type 'HelloWorld' and hit return.
A class properties dialog will pop up. Here you can change status, superclass, interfaces and imported packages for the new class. The meaning of these otions should be pretty obvious for a java programmer. Detailed information is available in the class properties help. For now accept the defaults and hit 'Ok'. The class name should now appear in your class list, again highlighted.

Next a method has to be created. Repeat the creation procedure in the upper right box: Select 'add Method' in the right-button-menu. When the name requester shows, type 'main' and hit return. A method property dialog will show up and allow to modify method status, return value, parameters and exceptions. Note that Jedi has recognized the main function and already predefined the typical properties for it. Accept them and click 'Ok'. The new method should appear in the method list. If curious about other details of the method properties, take a look at the method properties help.

Now move your mouse to the editor panel in the bottom half and start implementing:

System.out.println("Hello, World!");

Really experienced programmers might want to do something more sophisticated, but for now this should be enough. ;)
Note that the method header is displayed above the text. It can also be edited to change parameter names and types on the fly, but we do not want to do that now. Also note that no enclosing curly brackets are required in the code panel.

At this point we are ready to start compiling and testing the example.
